Anara Cavaliers

Glamour, Soundness, Health, and Temperament


Sevenwoods Epiphany, RN, RA, RE, C-RN, C-RA, C-RE, CD, C-CD



Anara Adornment, RN, RA, RE, C-RN, C-RA, C-CD



My goal is to get it all:  beauty and glamour, sound structure, general and genetic health, and fearless, outgoing temperament.


Take a look at The Girls to see how close I've come so far -- and a look at Puppies to see what I'm hoping to achieve in the whelping box in the near future!


Not every girl of mine is exactly what I want . . . perfection is tough to get, as you can imagine!  In the show ring, little things matter a lot -- a bit of white showing in the corner of one eye, a couple of freckles in the wrong spot, hocks set a trifle too high, a tail carried too high, whatever.  But every single one of my girls has sound structure, a pretty head, and a nice temperament.  Breeding is like slow-motion gambling:  every litter might give you that totally flawless puppy . . . that's what keeps you going!  Even when it gets pretty stressful -- see the "What's it like to be a breeder?" page.


Every girl of mine has finished at least one performance title -- usually by the time she's a year old. Rally is my favorite performance sport:  easy and fun, and you can train for it without joining an Obedience club or having any special equipment.  My Eve earned her first two Rally Novice legs by the time she was six months and two days old!  You can't show them until they're six months old, so you can see I had her in the ring the very day she was old enough to show.  Her second time in the ring, she got first place in the Novice class.

The girls are all so different to show, it's really something.  Sometimes the hardest part for me is remembering which dog prefers which down signal.  Pippa's got the most titles; if I don't have any time at all to work with her before a show, she can be trusted to do just fine in the ring with five minutes of practice the morning of the show.  Plus, she can learn a new exercise in 20 minutes, right before I walk into the Rally ring, and then go on to do it perfectly.  She wins all her own stuffed toys, which is handy, because she also destroys toys promptly.  She loves to prove that any toy can be ripped to pieces, even by an elegant fluffy small dog.


Genetics has been a hobby of mine for years, so I hope you'll enjoy exploring that part of the site.

Also, I write fantasy novels.  The Floating Islands was a Junior Library Guild selection and made the best-of-2012 list from Kirkus, and all of mine have garnered excellent reviews.  If you like fantasy, then hey, check out my other website!


Rachel Neumeier



About Me

My Books

The Gang-- Updated July 2019

Puppies -- Updated July 2019

How They Grow Up

Genetics and the Breeder

What's it Like to be a Breeder?




Photo Gallery

About Cavaliers

Cavalier Health

All I Want is a Pet

A Plea for Scientific Thought in Breeding

A Breeder's Reference Library


Contact Me


Excellent Cavalier Sites:

-- a great place to go for a thorough look at Cavalier health issues.  Lots of links. -- the "old club." -- the "new club."

Outstanding sites for other breeds: --

   Diane Jessup has a great site -- I particularly like her discussion of the difference between dogs bred to show vs. dogs bred to perform, but the whole site is outstanding.  And please, if you buy into the whole Evil Pit Bull idea, will you take a look at this site and reconsider?

    Wing'n'Wave Labradors is a good, thoughtful site with lots of articles about Labrador Retrievers and general information about canine health.

   Kate Werk, a breeder of Miniature Schnauzers, has put together an excellent site with a lot of good articles and links.  Thank you, Kate, for defending the pursuit of beauty as well as health



Other sites that deserve a second look:

Not a breed site, but an important site about some of the important problems that the OFA is attempting to help solve.

A shopping site -- with free shipping on orders over $50.  I just switched two of my girls to a grain-free diet, and with the dearth of pet stores within 80 miles, an online source that will deliver is very handy.

One of the very best sites about finding a responsible breeder and why you should bother.  Well written, well put-together, and full of good links if you want to further investigate any topic discussed.

Here's another excellent site that covers the same topics, plus a lot more if you go back to the homepage:


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